Last year, a total of 32 899 train journeys NS canceled due to signaling and points failures. That is almost half more than in 2013.
On the stretch Gouda - Rotterdam was the number of failed trains greatest failures: a whopping 2501 Trains were canceled, according to figures provided to the NS
The misery was mainly caused by faults in the infrastructure. That is according to NS by stricter rules for the railway. Therefore maintenance jobs can be delayed until night. Then the trains during the day by driving, but driving there altogether fewer trains.
'Not exactly'
According to the NS, the figures no precise image, but they are only an indication. The figures are recorded in a system by rail managers, who have just very busy at obstructions, so they are not always accurate.
According to railway infrastructure manager ProRail is responsible for the maintenance of the track, trains are not only out by faults. Nearly half of the failures, the cause from outside, ProRail says: a swan on the trail, a trail runner or suicides.
This afternoon ProRail presents his own so-called "performance dashboard", which can be followed live or disruptions and whether the trains run on time.
RTL News/ © ANP
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