On undercover pictures taken last week, shows that mink on a fur farm in Rosmalen roughly be thrown into a gaskist.
Animal Rights Activists were hidden behind the fence of breeding Rios Mink and looked through a hole in the fence. They filmed how "brutally mink in the gaskist were thrown," writes the animal protection organization (see video below). Then they gassed and fur made from their fur.
Response business
"Our animals are properly treated," says a company spokesperson at RTL Nieuws. "They caught on their tail and put in the gaskist. They are painlessly gassed." He had not seen the images themselves and say they do not recognize the picture painted. "Our employees all have a diploma to euthaniseren beasts," he says.
nimal Rights finds the animal abuse: "The images you see people young mink from a cage seize the animals literally with great force in the gaskist hurl a mink is not thrown well and bounces against the edge of the box on the ground.. Two employees put their foot on the mink and fling the animal still in the gaskist. "
"If it becomes clear that the animals are treated badly, then we say that they should not do that anymore," said the spokesman. It confirms that at the end of the year, tens of thousands of minks are gassed. "How many there are exactly we do not know. We are still working because."
Recently spoke to the Minister for Foreign Affairs after parliamentary questions from the killing of mink for the fashion industry. "All mink holders have an instruction and training about the proper use of the gases and the killing method. They have received a certificate of competence for this."
The Dutch Food Safety Authority (NVWA) should monitor here. Animal Rights has sent to the NVWA filed a complaint and the images of the gassings at Rios Mink.
RTL News / © Animal Rights
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