The search for the new chief of the National Police difficult. Due to reorganization chaos and financial uncertainties are hardly candidates, observers say.
Behind the scenes for months to find a suitable successor to Gerard Bouman, the commissioner of the National Police which starts on 1 February. The enthusiasm shown minimal.
Frank Giltay, Chairman of the Central Works Council, blames the poor financial situation and reorganization troubles with the police. ,, That means that candidates do not stand in line. The flush is thin. "
The National Police has been struggling for some time with a derailed reorganization and large deficits. Minister Ard van der Steur of Security and Justice recently announced an inquiry into the budget of the police. ,, If the candidates are wise, they wait first for which feasibility calculation, "says Giltay. ,, Can you build or should you demolish? That you must know before you start the job."
The new police chief gets very heavy, also says the Haarlem mayor Bernt Schneiders, one of the ten regional mayors who have an advisory role in the appointment procedure. ,, So far revealed that the reorganization takes twice as long and will not succeed with the available budget. We all know that even with the raised budgets still squeaks and creaks. "
The mayor summarized the job together as "a very difficult position with a very high risk factor."
Lower salary
The new commissioner must also, as a result of a new remuneration scheme, do with a salary of 50,000 euros lower than that of Bouman (he earns 172 000 euros, excluding expenses and pension contributions).
It is doubtful whether candidates for that will lead to the biggest 'business' of the Netherlands, with around 60,000 employees. Internal candidates who already have a high police, have probably lost a lot.
Koen Voskuil and Peter Winter Man / © Reuters © Reuters
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