In a letter to parliament every letter (s) and Per Saldo that every day come in numerous complaints.
"There are still many daily messages within about payment problems, incorrect data in systems and missing data" in a letter to the Parliamentary Commission for Health. The organizations argue that "there has long been no further improvement" is available in January and again major payment problems.
The letter comes a day before a debate in the Chamber and State Secretary Van Rijn on PGBs. Van Rijn informed the House this week are that more than 95 percent of the invoices now being paid within ten days.
Drawing Right
Earlier this year introduced the so-called drawing right system in the payment of PGBs. Key change: budgets are not paid in advance, but only after verification by the municipality and the Social Insurance Bank (SVB). Also, the money will not go directly to the PGB holder, but by the caregiver.
The new system, partly designed to prevent fraud, leading to a flood of complaints. At its peak, in February, there were 140,000.
"Directing is missing '
Per Saldo and every (in) write that their confidence in the implementation of the process is rapidly diminishing. The causes of the problems they cite: Officers who do not is central, the lack of uniform implementation of the system, shortcomings in the ICT field and a lack of empowerment and direction from the Ministry of Health.
"The time of writing plans and talking must blend into actions to achieve a simplified drawing right in the short term," conclude the organizations in their letter to the House. If nothing is done, they warn, will PGB holders early next year in big trouble. © ANP
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