An employee of the Department of Safety and Security, the police in mid-October just leaving her service weapon accidentally on the toilet in the school Sorghvliet in The Hague, the school of Princess Amalia. The weapon was found by pupils.
The school has today confirmed the discovery. Police regrets the incident, stated in a letter that have been the parents of the school. The students who found the weapon, warned the woman immediately. Who then took it again from the toilet.
Very annoying'
"This must not happen again, point," said a police spokesman told the AD. The officer who let it happen, the incident was "very annoying." The spokesman calls it "an unfortunate moment of inattention, she fed here immensely." She is also not penalized.
The part where the woman works for, is the former the Royal and Diplomatic Security. The police must protect members of the Royal Family, politicians, diplomats and other dignitaries.
RTL News/ © © Reuters
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