Fifty he is today, Alexander Pechtold but he worries not about to be replaced as chairman of D66. "Even if medium-sized party in the opposition manages to live up to our ideals." Metro spoke with the politician.
That's premiership him no more.
There I have all the time. But I've never been to The Hague, let alone in politics, went to use my ideas as prime minister. Some features are 150 and other one. Myself replaced? No, I want very much Libelle Summer Weeks experience with you.
What does Rutte good?
Particularly in recent years, he manages to conclude agreements with many different parties. He has a gunfactor, you do not begrudge it him to agree together. The downside is the chameleon effect: if you can work with D66 and the Freedom Party, I ask myself sometimes wonder where his own principles.
Bit of a pity it Rutte II the ride goes prisons?
In recent weeks, it seemed that the ambition of Rutte stagnated and if the government falls, we are ready for elections. But as long as he performs and shows ambition, it would again be a good as a government is serving the ride. Alas, in a year we are in the campaign, it is incalculable.
What Wilders is doing well?
Attract attention. Populists believe one hundred percent in their own right and may yet live up to 10 percent. Eventually, you have to work and sooner or later he will disappoint. I prefer to peak at elections, as this year for provincial and Senate, then polls. Wilders has never gotten anything done, he lives all his life of public money.
Sounds like job description of politicians, life of taxpayer money.
Other politicians have often had other jobs; despite the fact that he presents himself as an outsider Wilders is the longest running figure at Parliament Buildings. And while no one wants to work with him because he Knocking or pulling all of them, I make more chance to become prime minister.
Sounds like job description of politicians, life of taxpayer money.
Other politicians have often had other jobs; despite the fact that he presents himself as an outsider Wilders is the longest running figure at Parliament Buildings. And while no one wants to work with him because he Knocking or pulling all of them, I make more chance to become prime minister.
Diederik Samson told on Radio 1 that Turkish smugglers 40,000 per boat catch them loaded with people push off toward Greece. That 3 billion in Europe will not stop it.
I have many criticisms of this deal. Europe would not have to blackmail and I find that the government's regime, Erdogan gives too much power. Turkey must as a neighbor of the region to take responsibility - they grab a large part too - but also allowed the continent behind it is like to help financially, however. I draw the line at the visa program and the accelerated opening negotiation chapters for accession to Europe. There are things that should not be run together. Turkey is not always our ally, not even in the Syrian conflict. We support the Kurds and he bombards them. If you have the interests of Putin, Erdogan, other countries in the Middle East and Europe puts in a nutshell, you have to be pretty for by learned want to decrease the Middle East conflict.
Or refugees.
As long as the source, does not stop the civil war in Syria, refugees will come. They are not directly threatened refugees, they now have two or three years been in Turkish refugee camps. But these are people who are desperate and hopeless sit in one place; honestly I think that people with mentality, survivors want to make something of their lives and have the guts to come here while they often know how long and slow those procedures. I respect that.
But is not there a limit to what we can catch here? It is ultimately economic refugees.
The reason why the Syrians flee war; that in flight phases you see so often in history, and against those who insist on numbers, I would say that every refugee is one too many. I'd rather not have one, you do not begrudge anyone a safe home, but as long as they keep coming, I think that as a civilized country must do your duty.
I would say that our duty is to ensure peace.
Peace is our duty, but let's look at the cause. IS earns every day millions in oil and spirited bunch of idiots who do abductions and looting of art treasures, they have a decent budget. Moreover, we must after decades of Middle East conflict also dare to admit that there is already an Islamic state: Saudi Arabia. Since the government would have to encounter fewer barns. The Netherlands imports oil and gas from rogue states, we have to be independent.
How are we going to stop the radicalization of young people?
It is a part of the reality. I wish I did not resign, but there will always twisted lunatics who do not want in the system. For us it is very difficult to predict whether a person will find his own worthless life and in the afterlife hopes for a reward. That makes it difficult to go to join the fight there.
How do you celebrate your birthday?
With a lively debate with the Prime Minister on the report of the Commission Oosting and deal with drug criminal Cees H. But there was last Saturday organized a surprise party for me, so do not worry: I've already celebrated.
by Ebru Umar / Photo: Thomas Schlijper
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