"It's not normal what I've done. And I know." So says the 62-year-old Piet van der Molen from Oirsbeek, who guarded the body of his deceased mother for two years in a box in the attic.
"A death you're supposed to give. But I have chosen what I have done. I had promised her," the man said in a response against Heart of the Netherlands.
Last breath
Van der Molen says he one day in 2013 in the bedroom of his sick mother heard a noise. "And then I thought it might well be that she has blown its last breath." He decided not to report to authorities. "For my mother had asked me a week before her death, to call a doctor because she did not go to the hospital She also had said." Boy, tell anyone that I'm dead 'She did not want. I would get in trouble. "
In addition, says Van der Molen, he wanted to respect his mother's wishes. So he kept her body for two years in a box in the attic. "I then evening briefly went to say goodbye and to wish my mother goodnight. I loved her very much."
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