The Medical Disciplinary Board has a rehabilitation doctor who called Yijing -orakelkaarten advised her patients reprimanded.
The doctor Maasstad Hospital in Rotterdam wanted to foist the cards in patients who have chronic pain. According to the disciplinary Yijing -orakelkaarten have no scientifically proven and they should therefore not belong in a hospital. Therefore, the doctor yesterday received an official warning, reports RTV Rijnmond.
The case against the doctor brought by Roelof Pit and his wife. Pit told in October RTL Nieuws that the doctor patched him did stand by her bizarre proposal. "I was taken aback by the doctor about it began and have indicated that I did not feel like there She gave them that I especially had to do and said. 'Perhaps you are not enough of yourself.'"
The rehabilitation physician must continue to work at the Hospital Rotterdam.
RTL News / © Reuters
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