After consultation between the judiciary, the police and the municipality Rijnwaarden decided to install cameras in the home of the Somali family that last week was a victim of an attack.
The camera was placed in the camp Thursday in Pannerden and needs according to police officer Hans Reijmer the bereaved family give "a bit of rest."
,, It is purely for prevention. But if one should happen once, then we certainly have images that can be useful for the investigation, "the police officer against De Gelderlander. He says the camera hangs temporarily.
On Thursday December 17 the family from Somalia was rocked by a blast from a firework. Also there was a pamphlet with racist texts found on their front door.
The weekend after the family was buried under a sea of flowers, cards and endorsements.
De Gelderlander knew later to report that the family would be embroiled in a quarrel between two of their neighbors, but the police does not assume a connection with the thrown fireworks. © De Gelderlander
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