A police officer has been fined 350 euros for discriminatory remarks about Muslims on Facebook. A spokesperson of the Prosecutor's Office confirmed in Rotterdam.
The policeman, who was working as a teacher at the rural service center of the police, wrote in September last year on Facebook: "I hate Muslims Point Are done with it..." That's according to the public unnecessarily offensive against a particular group of people. A month later he wrote: "I am completely done with the K Muslims I hope they all very quickly die a slow death other words, death to Islam !!!..." That last sentence sums it up as OM criticize a religion, and that is not an offense in the Netherlands.
Against the policeman were reported by four people. The National Expertise Centre for Discrimination of the Public Prosecutor ruled that the first statement of the police officer is punishable. The OM has then offered him a deal. That he accepted beginning this month.
The policeman is now not further prosecuted. According to a spokeswoman for the prosecution, this according to the guidelines.
The four principals have been informed. They can still file a so-called Article 12 procedure to enforce yet prosecutions. There is a disciplinary investigation against the man started.
NOS.nl/ © Reuters
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