Al-Shabaab Donald Trump has prominent role in film

Gepubliceerd op 2 januari 2016 om 14:27

The Somali terrorist group Al-Shabaab has a recruitment film in which US presidential candidate Donald Trump plays a prominent role.

media_xll_3500176-1.jpgThe video takes the form of a documentary about racial inequality in the United States and shows Trump during his call in december to all Muslims from the us.

The clip is mounted between images of the militant leader Anwar al-Awlaki, which in 2011 with a droneaanval is killed. According to the accompanying text, Muslims in the us choose between staying at home or leaving for Islamic countries and the West. The movie's Friday spread via Twitter.

A lot of criticism in the United States and called the call from Trump international criticism. The frontrunner for the Republican nomination got under more the criticism that his statements could be used as propaganda by militants groups.

Al-Shabaab wants to enter the Islamic law in Somalia and has ties to al-Qaeda. The terror movement has hit Kenya and Ethiopia.© REUTERS

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