The EU Commissioner for media affairs wants Poland including possible voting rights within the EU as to deprive the Polish government holds on to the controversial media law.
The law, which rapidly through the Lower and Upper Houses is piloted, will give the right-wing nationalist government the power to intervene drastically in public broadcasting.
EU Commissioner Günther Oettinger said in the Frankfurter Allgemeine Sontagszeitung he wants to apply the so-called constitutional mechanism in Poland. That means that Brussels the Polish government demands modification of the law of the press threatened to jeopardize. Poland is thus placed under the control of the European Commission.
Any refusal of Poland Brussels regards as a breach of European values. Poland may thereby lose its voting rights within the EU, a situation that has never occurred.
President Juncker has put the issue on the agenda of the next meeting of the committee on January 13.
In Poland, three directors and broadcasting a popular talk show host yesterday decided to resign because of the media law. In this way they avoid being turned away.
Because the government, only ministers of the Law and Justice Party, now can appoint supporters to senior positions within the public service, many layoffs expected under the management staff. © TV poles
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