Last year they represented about two million women and nearly 1.6 million men, a small increase compared with a year earlier. That made the Central Bureau of Statistics (CBS) announced on Tuesday.
A small portion leaves the decision to relatives about it, and 11 percent explicitly give permission. According to the state statistics office 40 percent of the population aged twelve and older enrolled in the donor registry.
As people grow older, the willingness to donate, but from 65 down correctly. Thus under twelve to 25 year olds 17 percent registered and provide 12 percent approval. In the age group 45 to 65 is 48 and 30 percent respectively. Among the over-85s is almost 40 per cent enrolled, but only a small part of the organs provides.
According to the Dutch Transplant Foundation are about a thousand people on the waiting list for an organ transplant. Most of them are waiting for a kidney. A new heart is the hardest to find someone. © Reuters
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