The case of the stick deaf rejected asylum seekers Kalma (3 years) is January 19 in court in Haarlem. Her parents fight than for an operation that can let the girl hear. Now she not entitled to it because of her parents' asylum application has been rejected.
The case of Kalma took a few weeks ago the news. Her parents came over to the Netherlands two years ago, fleeing from the Taliban. Recently became their request for asylum despite the risks they face in Afghanistan, rejected.
Hearing Implant
But in the two years that the family is in the Netherlands, found that their daughter Kalma is deaf in both ears. A 60,000 euro costing hearing implant might make its weather. Normally Kalma would be entitled to it, but because the asylum application has been rejected by her parents just, Kalma is the wrong operation and she will continue her life deaf.
In Kalma Afghanistan will never be able to get the surgery. ,, But deaf people can lead an acceptable life, '' the ministry wrote in the rejection letter.
The parents, supported by Defence for Children, however, believe that Kalma - according to international treaties - is entitled to a "necessary" surgery as long as she is in the Netherlands. The parents go in appeal against rejected their asylum application and are therefore still in the Netherlands. The State says that the operation is not necessary because Kalma is not in mortal danger. Lawyer Cerezo and the children's rights organization Defence for Children believe, however, that a doctor determines what is necessary.
Foreigners judge in Haarlem chops now January 19 the knot. Meanwhile, several agencies have come forward to help Kalma money. Lawyer Cerezo combines the ideas but first wants to fight the case in court.
By: Victor Schildkamp / © Catrienus van der Veen.
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