Hundreds of residents of Wateringen be "unnecessarily exposed" to asbestos by fire a year ago in a paint shed where asbestos was released.
This is contained in a confidential report which owns De Telegraaf. According to the newspaper experts propose that local residents a "potentially deadly health risk 'walk.
The fire, in January 2015, probably originated in a marijuana farm. He found a business complex including a paint and wallpaper shed. There was a lot of smoke free. There are no injuries. The shed burned completely.
The newspaper writes that a lawyer Yvonne Waterman commissioned by the province has done research into the fire. The residents of South Holland had requested the investigation. The report states that the area around the warehouse has been released twice, but it was still not safe.
The municipality Westland, where Wateringen covered, stabbing has dropped in removing asbestos, reports De Telegraaf based on the report. It states that the church "in serious culpable neglects its public duty and thereby needlessly risking the lives of its inhabitants."
The danger has not yet passed, the report said. "Even now run continuously asbestos residents of the street their homes and cars, the wind blows the asbestos from the street to inside and asbestos street pulverized by passing cars," the report said.
Mayor Sjaak van der Tak promised after the fire that the area in question would be rehabilitated. Rising costs he withdrew that plan again and he proposed for the district to clean up all the junk itself, writes the newspaper. That is contrary to the law because asbestos should be handled by professional companies.
Residents shocked
Residents have been shocked. They say they have a year are kept on a leash and no longer have confidence in the mayor and officials.
The committee Fire Watercourses, which troubled residents have joined, is considering taking legal action. "It's really unprecedented. Months is us a very different story held up and now we get to hear it yet," said the spokesman of the committee, Bart Noordermeer, in the NOS Radio 1 Journal.
The residents are particularly outraged that their children have played and lived for a year in a cancer setting.
Noordermeer has seen the report but does not want to respond in detail because it is confidential. © Reuters
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