A celebration of the faith group Oasis in St. Joseph Church in Veldhoven Saturday night degenerated into shouting and pushing and shoving. Believers put blanket René Wilmink and the parish administration from the church.
Tension is already Saturday in anticipation palpable. The parish administration, blanket René Wilmink as president, after all, had forbidden the celebration because it is a private initiative. But the initiators of Oasis let the celebration, which was on the annual planning according to them, just go ahead. The religious group grew out of dissatisfaction with the state of affairs within the merged parish of Christ the King (since 2013).
Earlier, the members collected all signatures against the merger and they got their objections to the Vatican. Wraakten They include blanket Wilmink's decision to close five of the six Veldhovense churches. His choice for the new parish church was wrong. The measure was full when pastoral worker Myriam Schoutsen, which would keep the celebration this Saturday night, was fired.
Already at the opening goes wrong, as Wilminktheater speaking demands. It invites the more than hundred people present with him singing a song and then leave the church. While his song loudly commitment, are church goers. Some try to prevent the priest singing and remind him to leave the parish administration, others emotional walk from the church. Meanwhile Wilminktheater keeps on singing, even though it is drawn to him. He tries to convince the audience with his authority from the fact that their way is not the right one.
Agape watching the attendees at the bizarre scene for themselves. A large group gathers arm in arm to the front of the church altar and declares itself not to chase. The situation in the church threatens to escalate further. Members of the parish board get hostile reactions thrown at his head. Only when Wilmink is prepared to leave the church, peace returns and the celebration can continue.
'Sectarian' and 'medieval' calls Wilmink (41) the whole incident afterwards. ,, Something I've never experienced this extreme. If I had not gone away had much crazier can be there. We had resolved to deal with the people in conversation. But they are not amenable to reason here. We had also just be able to run the church locked. ''
,, You build a parish not privédoelstellingen '' concludes the blanket, referring to the founders of the religious group Oasis. ,, The religious group wants to play football, but at the same time apply the handball rules '', falls church board member Kitty Tholen him. ,, You can not hold their own celebration in a church that holds the parish and then set the whole administration of the church. ''
Paul Hafkemeijer, one of the founders of Oasis, had not seen this commotion. ,, We were some tense beforehand, 'he admits. ,, But the power finally came from those present in the church, was very special. "" Hafkemeijer itself was decades in the church council, but does not understand their actions.
,, The celebration was intended to create an oasis in the desert and just forget the whole mess. '' According to him, it did manage, though, the question is how the story continues. ,, I do not think we can do this again so. We will have to move to another location. ''
AD.nl/ © Meulenhof.
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