The government feels there is nothing to oblige all companies to legally make their institution or company for the disabled. Writes Secretary of Rhine in a letter to parliament.
Labour MP van Dijk came in December with criticism of the government. He thinks that the government should do more to make it more accessible society. The House talks Thursday on the Dutch implementation of a treaty signed in 2006.
Van Rijn not feel there to impose on all businesses legally something. "The government agrees with the principle that there should be a progressive, gradual achievement of the overall accessibility of persons with a disability or chronic illness," writes Van Rijn. According to the State brings a general obligation entail drawbacks. "The government prefers a practical approach at local and national level, without neglecting the legal standard is used."
Additional questions from the MPs Keijzer (CDA) and Agema (PVV) answered van Rijn: "It is especially for entrepreneurs to establish, based on their business and customers what they can do to the general accessibility for people with disabilities to improve. " Van Rijn thinks about removing barriers, instructing staff and broadening areas. Whether these measures are sufficient for the court to judge him when prompted, says Van Rijn. ©
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