The Academic Medical Center in Amsterdam takes on reflection, that it is a serious incident in the operation of a few months old baby had to report to the Health Inspectorate.
The child was in surgery lost part of his epiglottis. That closes off the windpipe when swallowing so that there can be no food or drink.
The NOS reported in early January that the hospital had failed to report the incident. The AMC would have failed because it saw the consequences of the operation as a "serious complication". Complications need not be reported, or calamities.
Meanwhile, the hospital takes so that the event could be better reported. "The general rule is: When in doubt, report," said spokesman Frank van den Bosch. "That is not done in this case. If you see what has happened, it would have been wiser it was to report."
At the department of ENT of the Academic Medical Center in Amsterdam is more wrong than not reporting a serious incident alone.
The television program Zembla today writes on his website that the learning climate in the ENT department of the AMC is not good. Zembla based on a report from the Medical Specialists Registration Committee (RGS).
In that report from March 2015 states inter alia that "there is no longer a positive and safe learning climate" in the hospital. The criticism focuses on the management. The AMC has only been authorized for two years as a training institute. Usually happens that for five years.
Bad atmosphere
Zembla has spoken with a number of now departed from the AMC physicians. They say the hospital to have turned their backs because of the bad atmosphere in the department kno. One of them speaks of "a plague of fear and culture, where people are isolated and insulted when they criticize".
The current head of training is the same physician who is not involved in the reported serious incident. In 2010, the then head of training following an earlier inspection of the unit by the RGS her job as head of training laid.
Both doctors now receive training in leadership training. Already in 2008 wrote a number of ENT doctors in training at the RGS that a "permanent atmosphere of threat and manipulation" was at the ENT department of the AMC.
Spokesman Van den Bosch says that after the publication of the report of the review committee "quite a few improvements in motion is put to optimize the training climate. In addition, a management consultancy in the arm taken to address the department under the microscope."
Patient safety
Huib Cense vice chairman of the Federation of Medical Specialists (FMS) warns opposite Zembla that patient safety will be placed at risk if there is not a department safe environment.
"A safe environment is one of the conditions for quality care," says Cense. "Only if a physician feels safe, he dares to talk openly about errors and complications. You have to learn from it and a learning culture is very important." ANP
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