She has lost all her friends, in the school hallways scolded for whore and her name goes across Tilburg. The first year student of the Willem II College is sad. Her name was mentioned in a response to a nude on a Tilburg instagramaccount.
It would be her top in the photo, her breasts. ,, But I'm not. I got that tip well, but that picture is not mine. Still, I'm scolded now. Against my boyfriend, they say I'm a whore. I'm looking for a new school. ''
The accounts are also videos of violent fights between pupils. It works a little girl to the ground and repeatedly tried to kick her head.
In the past eight months have certainly been active accounts with names like 013_beef and sletjes.beefjes.013. If one account is put on black, opens another. On an account which yesterday was still active, you can read that three students from different schools Tilburg manage it. Those involved say that also sit behind other accounts pupils.
School Director Robert Weijmans of Vakcollege says al beginning of this school mention of sexting have done to the police. This notification ,, we have repeated several times. I can imagine the consternation of parents very well imagine. We are working very hard on the guidance of their children. "" Involved parents and students complain right that the school did nothing to prevent the problems. The PTA knows nothing.
There was not a student at the Vakcollege who did not know the instagramaccounts, Wednesday morning, according to a tour of the Brabants Dagblad. ,, Everyone at school was talking about, "say students. ,, Everybody knew about it. Also on the Reeshof College and De Rooi Pan. ''
Youth Agent
Last week the police came into action after a parent of a student at the bell went. Police spokesman Pierre-Ine Matthew Sens: ,, We will see what are the photographs, who insist? Can be found that the pictures there are involuntarily ended up? We also send a youth officer to discuss what the school is doing to education. ''
Not punishable
Matthew Sens explains that sharing racy pictures between a minor boy and girl is not punishable. ,, But the one who shares the line, makes possible guilty of distribution of child pornography. ''
Tilburg youth oppose this newspaper that in many cases there is real photos. They recognize young girls from their class. That happened a 14-year-old student of the Vakcollege. Her mother takes her crying story. Her daughter's name was linked to a nude on an account. The mother is furious. Especially on the school board, which communicates nothing with parents.
,, We have a right to more information. What happens at school? Who are behind such an account? I understand that it's hard, but nobody does anything. There are fights in the playground, in the hallways, children are scolded. That we need to know. ''
Meanwhile the mother is looking for another school for her daughter. Until that time they cycle or another parent along. ,, You're just afraid that a pedophile at the gate state. You do not know who saw those pictures. ''
The mother of a 12-year-old student of the Vakcollege will look for another school. Night after night she heard her daughter crying herself to sleep. The brugpieper was inconsolable when she heard from a friend that there was a nude appeared on Instagram with her name on it. The bare breasts that were shown, would be hers. ,, It's really sad for words. I can not look at the photos, it's so intense. My daughter's name was called, you did not see a face. But other girls to really see everything. They need help, they are children. ''
Help was another student of the Vakcollege not. The 14-year-old comes from honest: two years ago she sent a nude photo to her then boyfriend. That was not good, she now sees itself. But that is no more turning back, she knows. The result: her pictures she has seen in ten different accounts. ,, They are calling my name through the school, call me a whore. I went to the police, but they did nothing. At school either. I have therefore the only left with and I hope that I'm forgetting. Then I can be happy with my new boyfriend. '' © © Picture Works
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