European police unions deal with many questions about the treatment of refugees. If there are concerns about their own health and safety, and policing capacity and training. With a large European study of 800,000 cops, the European Police Union (EPU) to map the situation.
Research into risk agent to work with refugee
European police unions deal with many questions about the treatment of refugees. If there are concerns about their own health and safety, and policing capacity and training. With a large European study of 800,000 cops, the European Police Union (EPU) to map the situation.
Agents get questions about how to deal with situations where the refugee commands such as "stand still or I'll shoot" or "lie down on the ground 'does not understand and that they know how to respond to attacks, for example, terrorists and the extreme right or civil unrest .
"The refugees bring with it security risks in the area of health, crime and terror now," said Gerrit van de Kamp, chairman of the EPU and the Dutch police union ACP. "I let our people do not sacrifice."
Van de Kamp says two years ago, when the stream of refugees came, the problems the police encounter is to have all the attention brought by the European Parliament. This was partly dealt with the unstructured work and the chance that a growing influx of refugees across Europe could become imbalanced. This is then done nothing with it, says Van de Kamp. "I want to again expose how the situation is. There is a problem of size. "
When the EPU are police unions connected in fourteen European countries. The study examines the working conditions and the impact of refugee policy for police officers.
We also examined what their own experiences with the treatment of refugees, whether they are sufficiently trained, the effects on society, how refugee policy in appearance in their country and if they are aware of the health risks. In the autumn.
By Anne-Fleur / / © Reuters
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