The European Commission (EC) is the recently adopted laws in Poland more closely. That Frans Timmermans, Vice-President of the European Commission, announced on Wednesday.
The European Commission started the procedure because there are concerns that the new laws undermine the rule of law and democracy in Poland. It is the first time that Brussels started such a procedure, since the Commission was given this authority in 2014.
Poland, where in the autumn a new Eurosceptic government took office, took recent laws that curb the power and independence of the Constitutional Court. In addition, the public broadcaster under tighter political control come to be. This is against the wishes of Brussels.
According to Brussels, the rule of law one of the fundamental values on which the EU is based. "As guardian of the Treaties is for the European Commission a crucial role to play to ensure the preservation of the rule of law," said press officer Caroline Peeters. Therefore, the European Commission has decided to start the dialogue with Poland.
Timmermans stressed that the investigation is initiated to assess the facts get on the table and the situation "more depth". He wants a dialogue with Poland "without prejudging any further steps. ''
The Vice-President in December already sent two letters to the Polish government to express its concerns and those of the committee. In stark terms, Warsaw, Brussels responded that relies on misleading information and should not interfere with Polish national situation.
"I'm not interested in the internal Polish politics solely to the protection of the rule of law, '' said Timmermans. He said that the issue on the agenda again in mid-March will be before the Commission. Then there will also be a report must be the watchdog for human rights, the Council of Europe on the issue.
A spokesman for the Polish government downplayed told Reuters in a first reaction step of Brussels and called it a "standard procedure".
The start of this process can ultimately lead to Poland (temporarily) the voting rights are taken away and no longer receive EU funds. However, this option is only possible if approved by all EU countries, and Hungary has already announced which not to support.
By Els Anchor / ANP / Olivier Hoslet
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