It is the largest drug trial ever held in the Netherlands. In the case against 29 defendants operate more than 100 police officers. But the leaders do not sit behind bars. Because of 'personal reasons' are seven of them should be free to their cause.
Expense is spared when the major drug investigation, undercover operations to Curacao to it. But where justice pulls out all the stops to get the suspects in the cell, the leaders seem to come out just as easy. The Public Prosecutor (OM) looks gritted teeth increasing.
Spider in the web, the 55-year-old corrupt customs officer Gerrit G. from 's-Gravenzande for years allegedly Rotterdam drug shipments facilitated. According to those involved, he won millions of euros in them, which he led a life of luxury, especially in Curaçao.
Personal circumstances
He was one of the first suspects who was provisionally released because of personal circumstances. His sick wife Bianca, in the same investigation of suspected money laundering is terminal and operated in Germany. Although he would have had contact during an initial free period with a co-accused, yet he does not return to jail.
Then the other six suspects. Utrechter André van der H. was allowed to go home in relation to medical care. He acknowledged to be saying with a double hernia and is likely to end up in a wheelchair. He is the only one who can take care of his sick mother of 82. For florist Willem 'Wietje' A. 's-Gravenzande the prison gate swung open. He says not to be missed in his flower business.
Johan V., also known as the "Bolle" is also provisional release. He needs surgery again. Jimmy R. shall be released to be there for his son. The boy is traumatized after a house raid and is in therapy. Jan R. can not be named because of privésores home.
The last one for the time being may from jail, is Berkelaar Dennis van den B., according to justice the intended target of the "mistake murder mate Rob Zweekhorst place where the victim was. Detectives in the courtroom, steeply pitched backward.
Release logical
Seven main suspects who are allowed to wait in freedom their criminal case. Does the court, these men do not like tough guys, as opposed to the prosecution? The Amsterdam lawyer Sidney Smeets understands the decisions of the court and called the releases logical.
,, Dutch courts apply the remand too easy to suspend and too little, '' he states. ,, What you get out of suspicion of murder in the US to the process, you're here for a shoplifting sometimes months in prison. The image that judges would now lift and suspend easier, I do not recognize. Quite the opposite. ''
,, Wrongly, the idea, '' responds criminal law expert Nico Kwakman, ,, the suspect after suspension of his detention, no longer ends up in prison. That is not so. On the other hand, in the source so that you should be free, as long as you're not condemned. '' © AD
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