Not long ago, asylum seekers in the Netherlands could begin within six weeks of their asylum procedure. Now it takes at least half a year.
That was so long that more asylum seekers choose to return voluntarily to home.
According to the International Organization for Migration (IOM), the number of asylum seekers that do choose to return home, especially in recent months has increased. In total would nearly 3,000 asylum seekers themselves away, in 2014 this was still 2269 people.
Striking is the number of Iraqis decided in the last two months of 2015 to return. In two months, volunteered 69 Iraqis joined the IOM to arrange their return.
This increase is in accordance with IOM mainly because the asylum procedure by the large number of refugees has since continued for so long. Iraqis do not have the time because of their family not long alone can leave behind without income.
Last weekend killed an Iraqi man in the asylum seekers' center in Alphen aan den Rijn suicide. The 30-year-old man was out of desperation have put an end to his life. He wanted to return home to help his family but had to make an appointment with the IOM before he would get back his passport.
Whoever applies for asylum in the Netherlands must surrender his passport and it only recovers when there is a residence permit issued or when someone leaves voluntarily. Those voluntary redundancy scheme is supervised by the IOM.
In total there were more than 47 000 asylum seekers in the Netherlands. The number of people after applying for asylum in the Netherlands decided to return voluntarily is relatively small.
Rens Oving / Photo: Reuters
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