When a restart V & D should be given a new name. Only if there is a future for the bankrupt department store, put prominent retail experts. Through years of mismanagement is the brand Vroom & Dreesmann irreparably damaged.
What happens to the name V & D department store as it receives a restart? This question is topical now carry the curators serious talks this week with three to five candidates who have made a concrete offer for parts of V & D and La Place.
Retail experts Paul Moers, Cor Molenaar and Rupert Parker Brady are unanimous agreement. ,, V & D is a brand of yesterday and professionally demolished by twenty years of mismanagement, "says Moers. Then they had made all the shops white again, now the target group according to CEO John van der Ent suddenly from housewives and soccer fans. ,, That straightens costs a small fortune. A new owner could be better with a new name, a fresh start. "
According to Parker Brady, Director of Office Retail Thinkers, a new owner will want to tell a totally different story. ,, You must reload the brand, as it is called in marketing jargon. That does not work anymore with the name V & D. "
But is not it a sin to help out in 1887 stemming name for soap? No, says Professor e-marketing Molenaar. The name V & D has become infected by mismanagement, customer association has become negative. ,, Badr Hari is super famous, but you do not still want as a friend? "
And yet, in Germany the name of department store Kaufhof also not changed by new owner Hudson's Bay, the same Canadian group which now has an interest in V & D. ,, But Hudson chooses Kaufhof much more in the way of gradualism, "Parker Brady says. ,, In ten years I have to see it even if they exist under that name."
Brands and marketing expert Ineke van der Ouderaa long doubts about whether the name V & D should remain. ,, In general, I say, on a brand you have to be careful. It represents value, moreover, it is also of the consumer. Who buys it every time, and does it stand on the table or hang in your closet. "
Yet she feels that V & D over its shelf life is over. ,, Retail is hip and at the time, but V & D seems to be a mark of my grandmother. Several owners have unsuccessfully tried to make something of it. "
David Bremme / AD.nl/ © Reuters
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