It would be new equipment. That says police union ACP. The union demands that radar controls are put stop because officers are concerned about the numerous error measurements.
Thus, especially large vehicles with high speeds, often unlikely to be flashed. When buses would be measured at up to 185 kilometers per hour. Trucks drive according to the equipment on 80-kilometer road sometimes at speeds of 240 kilometers per hour, said the police union.
According to ACP President Van de Kamp the erroneous measurements can have major consequences for agents. "Police officers are required to draw up a report and that should be done truthfully. So they need to make sure everything is correct. Is there doubt among citizens, the penalty may be dropped and the officers can be held accountable for an erroneous police report. And when people complain about this to the judge they do have a point. "
Too little
Agents also have doubts about errors in the velocity of ordinary passenger cars. "Fines are hefty. Sometimes too sharply. Then make five or six kilometers a lot of difference in the amount of the fine," Van de Kamp says the NOS Radio 1 news.
The police union finds that the corps leadership is doing too little with the concerns of the agents. The complaints about the flashlights were already reported several times. "We are concerned with having raised around colleagues and that little action is taken. At least not visibly. We are working on, but the measurements in the meantime continue. It now takes so long that officers approach us and seek the media itself . "
As professionals indicate that they have doubts about the technique with which they have to work, there must be a newly created on the site. Moreover, there are reports of problems with the fixed speed cameras. "
Even MPs of SP and VVD are concerned about the error measurements by the flash units. They have questions to Minister Van der Steur.
The national police force management says that the errors caused by the radar beams bounce off other vehicles at the time of flash past a radar driving.
Source: © Reuters
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