On that question discuss the European Ministers of Interior and Justice today and tomorrow in Amsterdam. The two-day meeting is the first under the EU presidency of the Netherlands.
During the meeting, different refugee issues discussed. In addition, talk to the ministers including on combating terrorism and cybercrime.
External Borders
Officially it while sitting on a plan to better protect European external borders. There is a new organization necessary to intervene when a country stabbing drop and controls the borders incorrectly. Also discussed about the rigging of a European agency to be responsible for monitoring the EU's external borders.
According Brussels correspondent Gwen ter Horst is such a proposal normally very complex and takes a half to two years to complete. The Netherlands is now expected that there is a final agreement within six months.
In practice, the discussions will in the coming days are mainly about the European internal borders, because there are major concerns about the Schengen Treaty, which allows free travel. The countries all have a different approach to how they want to control the flow of refugees.
One of the topics on the agenda is the possibility of controls at the border between Greece and Macedonia, which is not an EU country. This proposal comes from Slovenia where daily hundreds of refugees from the Balkan route to enter the country. "The Greeks have trouble guarding the southern islands, so now comes the question on the table or that limit should be monitored anywhere else," says Arjan correspondent Noorlander.
Macedonia is an important transit country for refugees who want to continue in Europe. The country claims to be swamped by migrants. Noorlander: "Control of the border in Macedonia is primarily a political signal to the Greeks that they must make their business more organized."
Another country that pulls the bell is Sweden. That land uses like Germany so far a generous asylum policy, but the government says it can not cope with the flood of refugees. Sweden wants is better distributed and that other countries will thus absorb more refugees. Neighboring Denmark is actually very strict regarding the reception of migrants. According to correspondent Rolien Créton Denmark says now: 'own fault'. "In Sweden they find that attitude antisocial and they want Denmark refugees recording.
'Schengen light'
Several countries want the current border controls within Europe be extended by one or two years. "The ministers hope to save in this way with a kind of Schengen Schengen-light", says Noorlander. "Travellers should therefore take into account that there may be for a long time border controls."
The two-day meeting is the first under the EU presidency of our country. The Netherlands wants is a way for mid-March found to contain the influx of refugees, so that countries throw their borders further locked explains correspondent Ter Horst. This is not easy. "There are plenty of opportunities to tackle this problem, but it lacks solidarity, the will to come out with 28 countries. Especially the Eastern European countries fail again. There's a lot of frustration."
NOS.nl/ © AFP
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