She was beaten by a man in the face with the lid of a garbage can. The young woman was especially shocked because no one responded or afterwards asked her if she was okay, reports News Brussels.
The perpetrator had shortly before the attack suggestive gestures made toward her with his tongue. "I looked at them blankly at him, 'What are you doing?'", Citing local news website Elisa enlarged.
At the time of the swipe was ten commuters present in the metro station, says the student.But no one responded and it encounters the young woman against the chest.
The idea that some public spaces are not a safe place
for women, the student finds scary. Facebook syringe Enlarged her displeasure: "I do not have to think about the clothes that morning I choose I want to choose a skirt, without anticipating the public spaces I best avoid.."
Young woman is calling witnesses of violence in order to react in the future, and stresses that the problem is not only found in the capital. "Situations of physical or verbal violence, so-called 'compliments' get, or even touch, also occur for example in Ghent or other cities."
Enlarged steps with her complaint to the police, but do not expect that they will still find the culprit.
Source: Brussels News / © photonews
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