The Labour Party Group is in agreement with Dutch bombing terrorist movement, IS in Syria. That means that the way is clear for the Cabinet to strengthen the military deployment against IS.
The governing party was the long time disagree with bombing in Syria because there is no mandate under international law was and also lacked a political solution to the conflict. That was the case in Iraq, found the party.
According to Dutch Labour Party Parliament Member Sadiq is there now to met. "There is a mandate under international law and there is a political process under way. Last week, the talks between the Assad regime and the opposition started. "
The VVD was already longer for bombing and believes that the Government should no longer drag their feet. According to the Liberal Group is bombing the only effective way to combat. They want an extension of the current mission and find that the Cabinet too long does about the decision. bing four Dutch F-16s from a base in Jordan only IS targets in Iraq.
Sadhu says that it is now up to the Cabinet to concrete proposals for what Netherlands in Syria. In december asked the Netherlands to step up the fight against the Americans and French IS "intensifying". Prime Minister Rutte said when the Cabinet wants to take a decision very carefully. It is expected that the Cabinet Friday in the Council takes a decision.
Source:© REUTERS
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