The prosecutor has demanded thirty months in prison by Simon B., of which fifteen months probation. The man was in court Thursday, nearly a year after he blew up his apartment in the Moddermanstraat in Schiebroek.
The damage to the surrounding houses is still not fully recovered. The court will on February 11 statement.
Justice demanded Thursday thirty months imprisonment, of which fifteen months probation with a probation period of three years with treatment to be provided. And subtract the year of Simon B. already seated.
The lawyer B. thinks that intent can not be proven. If the court decides to impose a penalty, the lawyer asks immediately begin treatment of the accused. Simon B. psychiatric examined by the Pieter Baan Centre. The researchers concluded that B. was "greatly diminished responsibility.
The state pays initially the damage to the victims. Which is later recovered from Simon B. The possibility for this has existed since early 2016. Housing Havensteder was 3.7 million damage from the explosion in the Moddermanstraat. 751 000 euro was not insured.Havensteder recover those costs at Simon B., as revealed during the trial.
The prosecutor: ,, This is a personal drama about a lonely man who has asked for help with all his might and who has not received on time. '
B., formerly pastor, had mental problems for years. He was treated several times for depression. ,, This is not exactly a standard accused, '' the prosecutor said last year. B. has never been in trouble with the law.
The facade of the sixteen homes that were destroyed last year by a huge explosion, is still encased in scaffolding and cloth. Construction workers are busy installing new windows; the inside of the housing is not finished. ,, In late March, '' says Bianca Bakvis of housing Havensteder request.
The destroyed building in Moddermanstraat offers a sad sight. To the flat stand fences, vans Construction workers are parked in the street. ,, The work is still not finished, '' said a neighbor from his balcony. ,, It takes a long time. In the beginning they told us it would take six months. My door is not even finished yet. There's an emergency door in now. They have replaced him, but the new door was not good. Yes, it takes a long time. That's right. Very long. It's almost a year ago. ''
NADIA BIRCH ELDER / Source: © Reuters
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