According to the party, there are 'hot spots' in Brabant, Twente and Friesland. It is also being used more at home there, so according to that party problems are visible too late.
,, An integrated approach is necessary, those people who stand with their feet in the clay can best imagine, '' said CDA MP Hanke Bruins Slot. Her proposal is supported by PvdA, SP and D66. The CDA wants a national team is set up with people who work with GHB addicts in practice. That team should consist of, among others, nurses, therapists, police officers and representatives of schools.
Jellinek addiction institution confirms problems with GHB, especially in guzzle chain in the country. ,, Often these disadvantaged young people who use it daily and thus get easily addicted. In the entertainment circuit in the Randstad people use GHB sometimes on the weekends and the addiction problem less, 'says a spokeswoman.
GHB is used relatively little in the nightlife. So only use 10 percent of frequent walkers in the Amsterdam nightlife scene. GHB can therefore really be considered as a "niche agent" which is mainly used for home use.
The use of GHB is dangerous because dosing is difficult. By an overdose of the breathing may be impaired or even stop altogether. Users can also become unconscious from the drug.
Source: © Reuters
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