Scammers have found a new way to lure people into a trap. Via fake e-mails accusing the internet fraudsters recipients of car damage after a collision.
But if you just want docks. The National Fraud Helpdesk has since early this week, now more than 250 reports from across the country within. The scam appears intractable.
"This morning, you hit my car with uitparkeren, giving the left side of my car is damaged. Fortunately, the neighbor saw it. Then you are driven away. The damage is considerable, it comes together cost nearly 250 euros. You are going to compensate this, or I still call the police. "
Scammers know exactly the feeling of playing with their latest trick. The danger lies in the link to a Facebook page or website, which bluffers most hours. ,, It is a hidden malware that can lock your computer or that is invisible at first glance. This example can be meegekeken during online banking, "says spokeswoman Ellen Prummel Fraud Helpdesk.
Fraud Helpdesk speaks of a new phenomenon in the field of Internet fraud. ,, Emails with a story about car damage we have not seen before. Earlier, the mails of banks, in December retail chains that uitloofden a price, now the car damage. The field is being extended. "
Was a mail a few years back full of grammatical mistakes, now you become perplexed in good Dutch. ,, This makes it increasingly difficult to recognize these mails. Sometimes the self directed to you personally, for example, to Mrs. Jones. "
Since I do not kick in, you may think. ,, Many people know that these emails are fake. Yet there is a small percentage that it presses and sounds on the link, "said Prummel. ,, Also, people have reported to us. It's still profitable, otherwise it would stop scammers with it."
Police also received many reports inside. A spokesman said an investigation is carried out there, as soon as the reporting.
How did you outwit the Internet scammers?
1. Open never, never the attached link or attachment.
There are suspected malware blocked. Malware is a generic term for all sorts of malicious and harmful software. Unasked and unnoticed which it manages to install itself on your computer.
A malware infection can have unpleasant and far-reaching, consequences. Malware distributors, for example, try to get your bank and identification information or to get their hands on sensitive information such as your credit card number. But also to get your identity via malware, after which identity fraud can be committed. The financial consequences are incalculable
2. Be careful with your email address
Did you get such a phishing email? Then you are unfortunately on the list of internet fraudsters. Whether you want to or not, get rid of the list is impossible. ,, We have no idea who all have that list and who use them. We have no sight. So make sure that you will not even end up on the list. Make sure your mail is not anywhere on the Internet, such as through your club. Via a search engine be in an instant all the email addresses of plucked the web.
3. Avoid contamination
To surf the Internet safely without criminals gain access to your computer is a good computer security is necessary. Make sure you have the latest updates for your operating system on your computer. Make sure you are using the latest version of your Internet browser. And that the security level is high enough. You can check the options of your browser.
4. Report it
Received a suspicious email? Make it reported to the police or through
Simone Zwienen / © Fotomontage AD.
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