The owner of a nightclub Danish refuses to reverse its decision to reject people who are not Danish, English or German speaking. The man is liable to be prosecuted, but holds its ground, because "they have to learn that a smile is not an invitation for sex.
Holden Tom Jensen is the owner of nightclub Buddy Holly Sønderborg. Having had a number of women find themselves intimidated and threatened by feeling "sexually aggressive men who grope them on the dance floor" to take, he decided measures. Men from Syria and Afghanistan who are not Danish, English or German speaking, are not welcome.
Jensen by that decision now threatens to end up behind bars for six months because his measure is discriminatory. The man indicated to maintain his controversial policy: "The problem is we can not communicate with applicants. They do not know what I'm saying, "he explains.
Protectors of the dance club at Jensen complained that male migrants do not understand the Danish sexual etiquette and should understand that a woman's smile is not an invitation for sex. According to Jensen understand men, not that their way of acting error is: "We have experienced moments Syrians too close to dancing women, in which they put their hands on their buttocks," explains Jensen opposite the Daily Mail. "They continued, even when the women indicated that they had to stop."
Those problems arise according to Jensen always, with other nationalities, but there is a difference. "It makes it more difficult to resolve the situation if there are larger groups of men that inappropriate behavior towards women and they do not speak the language and understand."
Jurgen van der Hoeven / Source: © Colourbox
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