A trip to Brazil with his wife and two children. Which stood for years on the wish list of Frank Bleekemolen from Purmerend. In October last year was told the 48-year-old man that he has ALS deadly muscle disease.
The news hit like a bomb, and it seemed that the dream journey was now completely off the track. His sister Jeannette put a stop to and started a fundraising campaign to send the family still traveling.
The call did not go unheard. "I got so many lovely comments. Frank is always in the background. I now know how loved my brother, "says Jeannette at RTV NH. Many donations come from the school of Shanella daughter (11) and son Jimmy (10) and football Purmer Steyn. There's the man from Purmerend trainer.
But there is not only money collected. A list on the fundraising site activities sponsored donors. Think of a cable car ride to the top of Sugar Loaf Mountain and a visit (with overnight stay) to the Iguaçu Falls.
In a few days, leaving the family for six weeks in Brazil. The Education Inspectorate, the children given official permission to fulfill the last wish of their father.
The total trip is arranged, but if you still want to make a donation, you can do so. Go to www.huwelijksreislijst.nl and enter the following password: April 28, 2016.
Sabine Air / Source: Metronieuws.nl/ © Colourbox
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