Minister Edith Schippers (VWS) that Thursday decided after negotiations with the manufacturer about a price lower than initially planned.
That price agreement also applies to the treatment of skin cancer (melanoma) and other applications that can be expected over the next four years. Make the Institute advised Schippers in December that the effectiveness of the drug in relation to the cost ,, very unfavorable '' was. The cost per life year gained were then estimated at 134 000 euro. By price negotiations, the total health expenditure attack nivolumab much lower.
Schippers said in a statement that it has respected the opinion of the Institute to make its decision. The minister ,, is satisfied with the measures taken by the doctors for the appropriate use ''. According to Schippers provides the result ,, patients more perspective in their fight against cancer. "
Dutch Cancer Society hopes that this measure paves the way to get other innovative and expensive drugs in the basic package. Due to medical technology research, after all, get more new cancer drugs on the market. This improves cancer treatments and have better prospects of survival, longevity and / or a better quality of life, says KWF. ,, That is why Minister Schippers with the sharp drop in prices is a very important step for cancer patients. '' © ANP, photo editing AD
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