This week VVD MP Love his departure known. He goes to work at the taxi platform Uber. And a week before leaving D66'er Hachchi the Chamber because she wants to participate in the presidential campaign of Hillary Clinton.
With the resignation of Love is the number of leavers since the 2012 elections on 34. If the present trend continues, then a record in sight.
Not fitting
Broekers said in Kamerbreed on NPO Radio 1 that they do not like the "exit" from the Lower House. She stressed that the Senate actually does not bother. "You imagine running for a certain period of time. And rather than stepping on because something more interesting comes along, that's what I did not fit the role of elected representatives."
The Senate chairman not feel like to record a liability laws, but according to her, you can do a moral appeal to people. Yesterday, Minister Plasterk also is critical of the large number of leavers. He wants MPs to explain when they leave earlier.
Source: © Reuters
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