Maria Rita cashed taking a few blows of the perpetrator who was armed with a knuckle-duster. Badly beaten she was taken to the hospital and waited for her a second unpleasant surprise. Over a year after the events they do today her story in the newspaper La Meuse.
Rita was on December 27, 2014 in her jewelry store "L'Âge d'Or" in Liège when suddenly a man alighted on her. Armed with a knuckle-duster he shared a few blows out. A passerby saw the robbery happen, and immediately gave chase to the offender. He could catch the robber with the help of the son of the jeweler star at the collar after the robber, in turn, was taken to the emergency department of the hospital.There Mary waited a two unpleasant surprise. "He was lying next to me in the room. We were separated by a simple curtain. You can hardly imagine how stressful the situation was for me."
After two days in the hospital was the plucky woman all over again behind the counter of her shop. The perpetrator, a minor boy, was brought to the closed setting of Saint-Hubert. His family was no stranger to the court. "After two months, he was released into the closed institution. One morning there was a letter from his lawyer in the bus with excuses in his name. I'd rather never received that letter or do not work that way."
Eight months after the robbery could Liege recover her stolen jewels and money."Immediately again started, it was a good decision. It has helped me to overcome the trauma. Indeed, I have no need for antidepressants or talk to a psychiatrist. I wish immediately show that I was again!" It reads firm.
Her case was already protected by a bell, a special door and cameras. There came a intercom with. "Henceforth I ask the customers what they want to buy before I let them. A chat beforehand makes me immediately a lot wiser," concludes Maria Rita.
Source: La Meuse / © think stock
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