That the global food producer Monday conceded, writes The Guardian. This while a lawsuit recently filed suit itself against slave traders in Ivory Coast.
Fancy Feast
Nestlé is best known for its chocolate products like KitKat, Rolo and Bros, but also Maggi, Nescafe and Wagner pizzas belong to their range. But the slave trade takes place mainly in the field of marine products. This would be used primarily for their cat food Fancy Feast.
Nestlé itself for a long time knew nothing of slavery off, as they say themselves. Now it will examine how the slavery that is put together and what they can do about it. Magdi Batato, vice president of Nestlé, says there is no room in their supply line for slavery.
Nick Grono, director of the NGO Freedom Fund (an organization that focuses on fighting human trafficking in Thailand), finds it admirable that Nestlé will do direct research. "It is a great initiative and possibly a 'game-changer' if you like one of the biggest brands in the world admits this."
Kasper Hermans / Source: © Reuters
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