Politician Geert Wilders does not like talking to the press, but for Playboy he wanted to make an exception. In a preview of the interview in the nude magazine tells the PVV leader about his private life and he makes it clear that he could feel attracted to a Muslim. In theory.
,, Apart from the fact that I am happily married, why not '' Geert answers the question whether he could ever fall on a Muslim?. ,, I do not hate Muslims, I have a problem with Islam. That's something else. "" But he admits that he has little in common with a Muslim. ,, Who is committed to her faith. That would be a very difficult relationship, I fear. ''
That he has a problem with Islam is clear. The strong statements of Rotterdam Mayor Ahmed Aboutaleb, on the integration of Muslims does not sit well with Geert. He thinks that his statements contradict what he says at home. ,, Others must integrate, but otherwise they rot, but against his own daughters, he says: Integrate not especially. "
Besides this remarkable confessions politician speaks about his private life and his love for movies, which he prefers to look at the movies. But that's not going without a fight if he does decide to pick a movie with. ,, That is quite a circus. Then a huge plan must be reviewed and there should be a lot of people are put in place. ''
Wilders: ,, I am the hall pass inside when the light is already out and I have to be out before it goes on, anyway, a lot of hassle, but every now and then, very rarely hear, I do. Not because it is so inviting, because it's not, but I'm like this, I can not let steal me ''.
Source: AD.nl/ © AD / Reuters
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