Block minister believes that a previously submitted bill responds to concerns raised by the Council of State against the disclosure of income information to landlords.
The Council established today that the Tax which may not provide data because the obligation in the law explicitly.
In a letter to the Lower House Block refers to the proposal 'Flow rental market. The Court there yesterday talked about and the treatment continues tomorrow. The proposal states explicitly the obligation for the tax authorities to provide data on incomes.
On time
The minister hopes that soon the law is accepted by both Chambers and the tax authorities in time for the new rent increases from July 1 to provide the income statements.
For instance, the law fails to come through the rooms, there is also has another bill, which according to block about the same effect.
Block writes that he and Secretary of State Wiebes think about the precise effects of the decision of the Council of State. The Chamber would like to clarify as soon as possible. The Court asks itself what the ruling means for income tests in the past. The SP believes that the income-related rent increase at all should table this year.
Source: © Reuters
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