Some of the young perpetrators of a gang rape - including two asylum seekers - the facts laugh away:
"They should not complain. Women should listen to men." Mayor and Socialist Party heavyweight Johan Vande Lanotte reacts sharply. "We should not do bland: Some newcomers have a problematic image of women, we have to defend our values offensive.."
"A very painful thing, which hopefully leads to severe penalties," said the mayor of Ostend on the facts that took place in November in his city, but only last week by chance came to light. A teacher in the VTI Oostende lifted when the police as a 14-year-old boy at school boasted a photo of him in army uniform and a machine gun. Upon investigation the police found in the boy's cell phone a movie. Along with six others, he comes around a seemingly unconscious girl in the picture. They pull her pants down, pushing her legs open, fondling and rape her. They laugh and are dancing and singing in Arabic around the victim.
The girl was 17 earlier in the evening for drinks with her boyfriend. From there, she ended up at a party in Ostend. Reportedly there would be excessive spirits are drunk. The girl would thereby become unconscious. Or they themselves lay down on the bed or was brought there, is unclear. The girl finally hit a taxi home.
Would be of the seven involved two have Belgian nationality. Five others are Iraqis. At least two of them are in a pending asylum procedure. They are between 14 and 25 years old. Only the oldest denies the rape. The six others say they all had sex with the girl - the oldest. At their interrogation they were very rude. One of them claims that "the girl asked to take her" - while the picture clearly shows that there is no single movement is in her.
Some call a gang rape is the most normal thing in the world. One of them laughed and said it should not complain the girl. "Because women still need only listen to the men."
Bjorn Maeckelbergh & Dieter Dujardin / Source: Het Laatste Nieuws © Reuters
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