The lawyers of the former coffee shop in Thailand condemned holder Johan van laarhoven requirements a gag order for the suspended Prosecutor Lucas van Delft.
They want the ban because Of Delft Saturday their client in an interview in NRC Handelsblad, without any substantiation placement as a criminal ''. Lawyer Gerard Spong:,, from Delft are apparently all lawful to save his own reputation. ''
Vergara got last year to 103 years strafgevangenis punishment for money laundering that he earned in Netherlands with the sale of hashish and weed. He was founder of the coffee shop chain The Grass Company in Netherlands. The public prosecutor's Office started an investigation into Van Delft. It is suspected that he last year under a false name to the police has reported that people planning to liquidate him.
In the interview in NRC Handelsblad he recognizes ' frankly ' that he has made mistakes. Van Eck says that he himself to the police is going to announce that he would be brought to life, because he no longer from the stress of his work could. He is repeatedly threatened with death since the beginning of 2015. ,, By the stack of threats I'm out to get ' balance ', says Van Delft.
The suspended prosecutor led the Dutch case against Verma. He asked the Thai authorities to launch an investigation into the Dutchman, because Verma lived there now. The Thai judge sentenced the Dutchman eventually, because the sale of soft drugs is illegal in Thailand. , Even though that happened in Netherlands, where soft drugs may be sold '', says Spong.
Source:© REUTERS
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