Migrants crisis reason to to leave Netherlands

Gepubliceerd op 8 februari 2016 om 14:05

Look for more than ten years we flock to plodding compatriots in the tv program I leave.

be10b4495977cc70b3a1465da858c52c-1454924102-3.jpgNow emigrate there about people 148,000 per year from Netherlands, which is 405 per day. But what animates all those Dutch people abroad to leave anyway?

BAD MENTALITY unrest, lack of space and mentality scares the Dutchman to foreign countries, if we are to believe the coming Emigration Fair 11000 visitors. Of the total Dutch population thinks seriously about 2 to 3% emigrating to foreign countries.

Peace, space and a natural environment for the education of children is the most important reason (24%) to dutchieland. But also, many future emigrants (23%) the bad mentality in Netherlands.

It is striking that the migrants MIGRANTS CRISIS crisis a much talked-about reason to emigrate. For 13% is that a reason to search somewhere else to their salvation. Crime and the files play a smaller role with 5% and 3%.

The makers of I leave these figures will cheer and Gladden us even years can fixed with images of departing Dutch.

We are curious what would be the reason for you to leave.

Source: Aachen Metronieuws.nl/D. photo: Metro http://www.metronieuws.nl

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