The Amsterdam District Court bends Tuesday on the case of drug dealer Flip s. (43). He is suspected of white heroin in Amsterdam that he sold as cocaine.
DrugsdealerwitteheroneFlipSvoorderechter. jpgVolgens the public prosecutor (OM) has S. the harmful drugs by October 2014 to February 2015 sold to a large number of tourists in Amsterdam. By sniffing of white heroin can breathing stop abruptly.
In the fall were in Amsterdam three British tourists died as a result of the snorting of white heroin. Fourteen others were injured. The plaintiff sues him for murder of the three British and attempted murder or manslaughter on several others.
Camera footage has confessed that he was on 25 February 2015 on the Stadhouderskade white heroin to three Danish tourists has sold that sniffing after treatment in the hospital survived. According to his lawyer, however, this was a one-off and not on purpose. ' If you want to sell your lights they tourists on paracetamol from the pharmacy. After a years of research has done justice to have no more proof in the hands than a confession by my client. '
signed up at the beginning of april to the police after he had himself recognized on scattered by the police camera footage of the sale to the Danes.
He was that day in repentance and soon in tears. According to the officer who received it, said s. that he was the one "that has ensured that three tourists dead '. He who had sold them the deadly drugs. The agent quotes in the criminal file: ' I want it to be over. I cannot live with that. It should stop before more victims. '
He denies that the dealer was already in 2014 white heroin had sold to the three British tourists.
Source: Parool/REUTERS © Floris Lok/
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