In Netherlands is much less prescribed antibiotics than in other European countries. Amsterdam scores even still under the national average.
That reports the CBS Tuesday based on figures on medicines provision which are remunerated in the basic insurance. Of all Amsterdammers 18.7% in 2013 anitibiotica got prescribed. This country is on 21.7% of the inhabitants.
2013 is most recent measurement year. That year, the use of antibiotics by town far apart. Thus, in the municipality of Schermer in Noord-Holland to less than 15 percent of the population provided antibiotics, in the municipality of Pekela in South East Groningen was more than 30 percent.
Greeks also in Europe there are large differences. Germans get one and a half times as much as antibiotics as Dutch, Belgians and French more than two and a half times as much. In Greece were most antibiotics provided: three times as much as in Netherlands.
Of the Dutch who were given antibiotics was sixty percent woman. 22.6% of the Amsterdam women got prescribed antibiotics, against 14.8% of the men in the city. Two-thirds of the antibiotic was prescribed by community pharmacies delivered by general practitioners, a third by specialists.
Resistant Tuesday and Wednesday EU ministers speak of both public health and agriculture in Amsterdam about antibiotic resistance. According to the Cabinet to increase the cost of health care as more and more microbes become resistant, ' with all the economic consequences for the company '.
Another consequence is that diseases that are now easily curable, can be life-threatening in the future, so wrote three ministers and State Secretary of the Rhine in June last year in a letter to the second Room. According to SCHIPPERS and Van Rijn (VWS), Denis (EZ) and M (IenM) is resistance ' a global threat to the health of the population '.
Source: Parool (By: Priscilla Decathlon) Photo: REUTERS
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