The numbers of members of the joint political parties are further decline in 2015, with 3.2% to 285,851.
The decrease is mainly at the expense of the three traditional parties: VVD (8 percent), PvdA (6.3 percent) and CDA (5.5%). The VVD pops up with this sharp decline under the 30000 members, as high as the mid-1950s. Since the turn of the century lost VVD and CDA about 40 percent of their members, the labour party lost hit 20 percent. The CDA remains the largest, with 50000 members. This reports the documentation centre Dutch political parties Tuesday.
50Plus pensioners ' Party lost most members: 20% in percentage terms left in 2015. In 2014 lost the young party even though many members. The Divisional parties MAINLY and that of Norbert 1150 respectively and have Small 287 members. The afsplitsers established by labour party Think has no members numbers reported. Of the PVV can no one but Geert Wilders.
Traditional parties lose members in years that no Dutch general election. The States-provincial elections and, indirectly, the First Room have no positive effect. Only 2.2% of the electorate is a member of a party.
The SP lost 2.3 percent. Christian Union (0.5), Green Left (0.1) and SGP (0.2) lost light. D66 (0.6) and the party for the animals (0.9) saw a small growth.
Source: MSN News/Bas Czerwinski Photo REUTERS
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