At nearly fifty meters at the elementary school her children away, the 35-year-old Fatiah Abakthi was stabbed last week in Amsterdam. The tragic event left a gaping hole in survivors behind.
In the relevant police officers entered the emotional aftermath can not sit in the cold clothes. Agent Wout Northern shares his story on Facebook Police Amsterdam Boven IJ. "The look in her eyes will remain for a long time with me."
The first thing the man sees when he and his colleague Dennis on the J.H. of Heekweg arrive in Amsterdam North, the curious 'cockles' that rescuers clever in the way. One of the onlookers even take a picture of the dying woman. Disrespectful to Van Noord. "Internally I cook, but I have to stay calm professional." With some effort they take phone off, and the man to apologize.
While every effort is made to save the woman, the agent realizes that the children of the mother must be collected. "They may come out under any circumstances and thus find their mother. This is a hard task. Shit, shit, shit. "A colleague of the agent takes this inhuman task. Meanwhile, there is a 36-year-old suspect arrested.
Here are the cops relieved. Righteousness. But the euphoria fades quickly away. "The circle is round. But who shoot something on here? ". That same afternoon Fatiah dies from her injuries in hospital. The sad news is like a black shadow over the officers who were present at the crime scene.
"On the way home, my thoughts go out to the families of the young woman and especially her children. At the time of the stabbing she sat in class, ignorant of the message that will destroy their lives. "
The Agent has great difficulty understanding the act of the perpetrator. "The defendant, I can look in the eye. The uselessness of the act that has destroyed so many lives, I can not understand. "
Because of his emotional story to share, hoping to see what impact the agent tragic incidents to police and social workers. But he certainly does not want to do pathetic. "I absolutely do not want to give the impression that I'm pathetic. It's my job and I try to do conscientiously every day. The only ones who really have the right to speak, the survivors are. I live with them sincerely, and I wish them a lot of strength. "
Bron: door Sabine de Lucht/ Foto: Facebook politie Amsterdam Boven IJ
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