The group around the now liquidated top criminal Gwenette Martha had a leak in the military police. In the car of Hadid Yakhlaf, the confidant of Martha, found his documents with confidential information.
That reports De Telegraaf. According to the newspaper, the information leaked by Peter V., a 51-year-old member of the military police who worked at Schiphol. It is not clear what it is exactly for information. Probably the V. sought among other names in the military police system. According to The Telegraph refers to names that were not known to the police.
The staff of the gendarmerie, Peter V., has been arrested in October. He was already observed in the sixteen months before, and tapped by the police. V. has admitted that he gave information to criminals because he was seriously threatened. According to the lawyer of the V. Heleen Helleman, there is no evidence that V. The money received for information leakage.
V. does not say to whom the information was passed on, fearing revenge. After the arrest of the V there are men stopped at his house. Since then, additional police protection around the property of the military police employee.
Moreover, the criminal in whose car the documents were found, also liquidated. He was shot in Kerkdriel on 31 December. Perhaps he sat there hiding.
Bron: door Wouter van Loon/ Foto Metro
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