The majority of the House supports the new legislation to reduce the noise from the airport. This turned out Wednesday during the parliamentary debate.
Only the Green Left made it clear not to support the law. According to Rik Grashoff of party law only grow aviation oriented.
The jobs that cause the least disruption to the environment will be used from now on. Because of this, ultimately fewer people bothered by the loud sounds that produce the aircraft. In practice, the new rules are equally used. According to State Secretary Sharon Dijksma makes this new law, the growth of the airport and takes into account the environment. "It offers the best prospects for Schiphol and the protection of the residents."
Parties PvdA and CDA are worried about the Aalsmeerbaan. Dijksma said the use of that job will increase in the coming years with the growth of the airport.
Bron: door Ellen van Bolderen/ Foto: ANP
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