There are now a total of 777,788 people that are lagging behind with paying back a loan, sign credit registration Office (BKR) Friday.
In July it still went to a nearly equal number of. 777,767 BKR people lagging behind when it counted.
"In recent years, the increased delinquencies on loans only. This stabilization is so relatively good news, "General Manager Peter van den Bosch of BKR. "Of course, especially for the consumer, but also for lenders and the society as a whole."
BKR calls it "fairly unique" that the number of delinquencies on loans barely increases. In other types of commitments grow the backlogs though.
That with loans relatively better, according to Van den Bosch is, among other things, to the fact that consumers have become more cautious because of the economic crisis by entering into new loans. Further are also less easy loans provided to people who actually cannot bear.
In addition, lenders according to the General Manager to help consumers with payment problems earlier.
Blind spot
Meanwhile the number of households with a late payment in the tax Department, the landlord, health insurance companies and energy suppliers have to grow. BKR therefore urge once again for these payments central to register.
"The lack of this information makes for a blind spot. Adequate information means more insight, rather help and eventually fewer payment problems ", says Van den Bosch.
He believes that consumers should have insight in these dates and need to know where the data is coming from. Also must be clear for which the data are used.
"The consumer owns their data", says the General Manager. "We At BKR picking so no data from the internet or from social media."
BY: Foto: ANP
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