The United States has launched an investigation into a bomb threat which Amsterdam schools received last month by phone. All over the world would schools capitals have had this strange message. That tells chief Pieter-Jaap Aalbersberg against AT5.
Three schools in Amsterdam were in January to hear the threatening message. During a phone call was played ,, a metallic band. ' Amsterdams Lyceum was reported that there would be a bomb under the building. However, that is not true.
The Americans lead the investigation into the calls. Even against countries where the signal is coming from. The commissioner can not say which countries does the research. Netherlands According to him intensely involved in the investigation.
confused man
In January, it was stated that the offender would be possible a confused man, but that is now incorrect. ,, The threat did not come from the Netherlands. And certainly not from Amsterdam, '' said Aalbersberg.
Mayor Eberhard van der Laan spoke against later against the city council a 'threat report. When asked whether it was terrorist threat, Van der Laan said then that it came "from that angle."
Big cities
Several schools in large cities were in January bomb inside the phone. Thus throughout Birmingham, southwest London and Paris, thousands of students evacuated after telephone threats.
Also at primary and secondary schools in the states of New South Wales and Victoria in Australia similar reports came in. ,, It was a computer voice, as if speaking a robot, '' said the deputy director of a primary school against the Australian newspaper The Age. ,, The voice said that a bomb was in a backpack at school. '' The police searched the school on it, but found nothing.
Source: Sakkers Photo: ANP
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